Saturday, September 4, 2010

Leroy the Monkey

Well we were leaving the fair, and as we walked along I spotted this little monkey. Of course we had to stop along with everyone else. This is Leroy the monkey dressed up in this hideous outfit. He is a Capuchin monkey. Capuchins live up to 20 years in the wild and 40 in captivity, and they range through Central and South America. Leroy is 13 years old and eats monkey chow(?), fruit, veggies and snacks(?). He works about five months out of the year and then spend time at home(?) enjoying playing in a large enclosure with trees, swings, toys and a pool.

Okay so you could give Leroy a quarter and he would give you a high-five. Give him $1 and he would bring a coloring book or picture back. Of course you could get your picture taken for $5. So Hayes wanted to do it and we didn't have a quarter, of course.

Sheldon gives him $1 and here comes Leroy to get it. Leroy snags the dollar bill and what we didn't get on camera is this. Leroy took the $1 bill and started walking off to get Hayes's coloring book. Leroy all of sudden turned back around toward Hayes and gently grabbed his left thumb. Leroy proceeded to lick and lick and lick Hayes's thumb. I was panic stricken, but Hayes remained calm and so did I, but obviously didn't get a picture. Thankfully everyone remained calm, and the monkey trainer said, "looks like Leroy found himself a little treat."

We had just eaten the deep fried Twinkie with powdered sugar that Hayes was dipping his finger in and out of. Leroy licked it clean and brought him the coloring book.

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