Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Big News on the Potty Front

FINALLY! Hayes has been doing excellent on the potty front! We are going on about 2-3 weeks of him using the potty with just a few accidents along the way. Before we moved to Illinois Hayes had just moved up to the potty training class at his daycare, Geer. They let them get aclimated to a new class first wearing pullups, no diapers! Well most of you know what happened next. He was in that class just about a month before we pulled him out and then shortly thereafter decided to move. Then I found out Eli was on the way. Needless to say we had some big changes on the way and I didn't even press the potty issue with him, although we had been working on it at home.

After trying everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, my mom threw him a couple of bribes with money and trips to Target and something clicked. It may have been coincidental timing, but whatever! Mom gave him a $20 and a piece of paper. Told him to mark each time he went stinky in the potty and after 5 marks he could take the money to Target and get a toy. So I kept encouraging with the money and trip to Target and he finally got it! So we immediately went to Target after the 5th mark and he got a light saber, which he had been wanting for a long time! The 2nd trip he got an Iron Man car.

Here he is cheesin' with his 1st $20!

Now every time he goes stinky in the potty he says that's 1 time or 2 times. I finally told him this week that he spent both his $20. Yesterday was his first day of wearing big boy underwear to school, and no accident!

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