Thankfully my OB was open to scheduling an induction IF I made it to 39 weeks. Normally I would have opted against it, but since we don't really know anyone here that could keep Hayes we were happy to have this option. That gave our moms time to plan to arrive before the induction.
Here are some details! This may be TMI for some of you, but I tried to keep it clean.
- My mom and Sheldons' mom arrived on the evening of Friday, February 19th
- Checked-in to the hospital on Sunday, February 21st at 9pm, and got medication to make things progress.
- 12am back labor and contractions begin
- Asked for pain medication around 4am because the back labor was excruciating, and was dialated to 2. I felt like I got about 3-4 hours of sleep all night.
- 8:30am on 2/21 Dr broke my water
- 9am started on Pitocin and Epidural ordered. Sheldon had to wait outside while I got the epidural and he was starting to get REAL concerned b/c it was taking so long. It took so long b/c they had to put the epidural in twice. (Not sure why he had to wait outside because he didn't with Hayes at the Greenville Hospital System...maybe it is a state thing?)
- 10am I was at 4 with the Epidural
- Around 11:45am Mom and Gail arrive at the hospital with Hayes and go downstairs to eat with Sheldon
- Called Sheldon around 12:45 and told him he needed to get back up to the room because it was TIME! He barely got the cameras before the Dr was ready for me to start pushing.
- Eli was born at 1:10pm after three easy pushes. He was extremely blue, but did not have the cord wrapped like Hayes did when he was born. They plopped him on me and he started wailing and proceeded to pee all over me.
Here's the little guy. He cried for about 5 minutes straight.
First time holding him. (NICE HAIR)
Hayes checking out BB. He does not want to call him Eli.
Gail and Eli
My mom and Eli
First bath
Sheldon and Eli
We had a great experience at the hospital here despite the baby switch that happened last year. Yeah...I found out about it two days before checking in to the hospital.